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Announcement: Free Entry Into the “Thomas M. Malafarina Horror Screenplay Contest”

Monday, May 25, 2020 | Announcement


Have you been itching for something to write with your damnable idle hands, sick of them simply being a devil’s plaything? Do you like adapting short stories into thrilling screenplays? Have the submission fees of horror screenplay contests been at odds with the moths inside your wallet? Those are all problems of the past thanks to the THOMAS M. MALAFARINA HORROR SCREENPLAY CONTEST!

The challenge of the contest is fiendish in its simplicity: write a screenplay based on a short story of your choosing from the catalogue of Thomas M. Malafarina. Here’s a link to a delightfully macabre example of his work.

The lovable mavericks running the contest have decided to waive the submission fee, since most of us are now dipping into our non-existent savings to scrape by during this pandemic. All you need do is email

and include the words “Waiver Request” and “Rue Morgue” somewhere in the email for the fees to be thrown out the digital window. Suspiciously easy, right? Stuff your suspicions in a sack, and start familiarizing yourself with Thomas M. Malafarina!

Since I plan on entering this contest myself, I contemplated keeping this information out of your grubby claws, but in the spirit of competition, here’s a link to the contest and all of the rules.

Rue Morgue Manor
The Rue Morgue Manor is the Toronto headquarters of Rue Morgue magazine and its brand offshoots.