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Cthulhugizzard Customs December Holidays Sale

Wednesday, December 13, 2017 | News

Heads up, shoppers, CTHULHUGIZZARD CUTOMS has a December holidays sale on right now at their Etsy store, featuring 15% off all the available items, with over 150 pieces in stock (both painted finished pieces and unpainted resin castings). So grab yourself (or that someone you love) an original hand-made piece of art for the holidays!

All items ready to ship now from the official CTHULHUGIZZARD CUSTOMS store!

Chris Hammond
The Curator of the Creepy collectibles. I've been an avid horror fan for over 3 decades. Meeting and writing about some of the finest artists from all over the world is a pure joy. I've written for multiple websites on the art and collectible front. The horror bug that lives inside me is well cared for and has been going strong since I watched my first introduction to horror through a grainy VHS copy of John Carpenter's 1978 classic film Halloween.